Please join the Smith Institute at one of four ‘nationwide’ high level regional seminars in March – in Cambridge, Exeter, York and Manchester – focussed on the renaissance in councils building again.
The Smith Institute’s research and that of the TCPA shows that councils are finding new and exciting ways of meeting local housing needs, including setting up local housing companies and new forms of joint ventures. A lot of the innovations are taking place in the regions, which is why we are holding these seminars (kindly supported by the Nationwide Foundation). They are also taking place in the context of a number of housing reviews – including by the Government, the Labour Party, Shelter and CIH. We see the events therefore as an opportunity to not only learn from each other, but to discuss the latest research and help shape the debate on councils building again.
The high level seminars will address the following question:
- what level and type of housing delivery are councils planning?
- are we – could we be – witnessing a step change in the delivery of affordable homes?
- are local housing companies an important way forward and if so what can learn from experience so far?
- what can and should councils do to differently?
- are there different issues where there is a combined authority/Mayor?
- will/should the HRA be subject to more reform?
- what policy changes could be made to support the renaissance in council-built homes?
Join other housing leaders and local government professionals by registering with one of the events below. Attendance is free.
CHAIR: Mo Baines (Head of Communications, APSE)
SPEAKERS: Cllr Kevin Price (Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Housing, Cambridge City Council), Professor Mike Oxley (Emeritus Research Fellow, University of Cambridge Centre for Housing Planning Research) and Paul Hackett (Director, the Smith Institute)
DATE & TIME: 4.30 to 6.00pm on Wednesday 14th March
VENUE: Room 128, Shire Hall, Cambridgeshire County Council, Castle St, Cambridge CB3 0AP
CHAIR: Cllr Hannah Packham (Portfolio member for housing, Exeter City Council)
SPEAKERS: Paul Hackett (Director, the Smith Institute), Henry Smith (Projects and Policy Manager, the TCPA ) and Emma Osmundsen (Housing Development Director, Exeter Council)
DATE & TIME: 4.30 to 6.00pm on Wednesday 21st March
VENUE: Exeter Community Centre, 17 St. Davids Hill, Exeter EX4 3RG
CHAIR: Campbell Rob (Chief Executive, Joseph Rowntree Foundation)
SPEAKERS: Paul Hackett (Director, the Smith Institute), Henry Smith (Projects and Policy Manager, the TCPA) and Jo Boaden (Chief Executive, Northern Housing Consortium)
DATE& TIME: 11.00 to 12.30pm on Wednesday 28th March
VENUE: Denham Room, Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory St, York YO1 6ET
CHAIR: Mo Baines (Head of Communications, APSE)
SPEAKERS: Paul Hackett (Director, the Smith Institute), Henry Smith (Projects and Policy Manager, the TCPA), Paul Dennett (City Mayor of Salford and Greater Manchester Combined Authority Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Homelessness) and Sharon Connor (Liverpool City Council Mayoral lead for future housing options)
DATE & TIME: 4.30 to 6.00pm on Wednesday 28th March
VENUE: Workplace, 4th Floor, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Road, Manchester M1 6EU