The Institute has grown in strength in recent years. We now cover a much wider range of policy issues. For example, we have published and written reports on asset based welfare (‘Making the most of equity release’ with the Equity Release Council) to reports on the plight of suburbia (‘Poverty in suburbia: a study into poverty in the suburbs of England and Wales’).
On occasions we collaborate with universities on research projects. For example, we have worked with LSE on the ‘The public value of social housing’; with Nottingham Business School on ‘Making the most of housing and growth in the East Midlands’; with the Medical Research Council on ‘Childhood mental health and life chances’; with the Regional Studies Association and University College London and Newcastle University on ‘Is localism the new regionalism?’; and with the University of St Andrews on ‘Investing in Better Places’.
The Institute has links with EU and international organisations. We have, for example, undertaken project work with the Brookings Institute on estate renewal and social Europe with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and with the Regional Studies Association on economic geography and ‘who owns Britain’. In the past we have published reports with HSBC on ‘China and Britain’, with Syngenta on ‘Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa’, with Business for New Europe on ‘Economic nationalism’, with ESRC on ‘Is free trade, fair trade’, and with Refugee Action on ‘Migration: where next?’.