Ed Sweeney, author of the Smith Institute report Making Work Better, writing in the New Statesman March 2014, said 'for the majority of people, fair pay, flexible working patterns and genuine work-life balance remain an illusion'. … [Read more...]
Industry ‘treading on eggshells’ with green lobbying
In Building.co.uk Vern Pitt reported on the Smith Institute director Paul Hackett's speech at Ecobuild, where he discussed the merits of forced upgrading of homes to a minimum standard of energy performance. … [Read more...]
Working women: Britain moving backwards on equality
The Voice of Russia UK quoted the director of the Smith Institute, Paul Hackett, in an article on female employment. … [Read more...]
Social cleansing is back under Tory mayor who favours homes for oligarchs over local needs
In an article on the London Labour website on London's housing crisis, Andrew Dismore AM quoted parts of the The Smith Institute's 2012 report London for sale? … [Read more...]
The new localists?
Paul Hackett, director of The Smith Institute, in Public Finance in February 2014 … [Read more...]
Luxury home boom to change face of London
The New York Times carried an article on London's housing boom quoting the Institute's director, Paul Hackett, on how local government decisions should face more scrutiny. … [Read more...]
Utopian vision to improve the workers’ lot just won’t work
Bernard Ginns, business editor at The Yorkshire Post, wrote at length about the launch of our enquiry Making Work Better, quoting the inquiries' author, Ed Sweeney. … [Read more...]
Unite needs to start fighting smart by portraying Ford as the bad guys
The launch of our inquiry, Making Work Better, was mentioned in the Independent by James Moore when he was talking about the state of the UK Labour market. … [Read more...]
Inquiry launched into low workplace morale
Robert Lea, The Times industrial editor, wrote a piece on the launch of our inquiry Making Work Better. … [Read more...]