Policy in the making
By Cardinal Cormack Murphy-O’Connor, Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown MP and Tony Pilch
By Ed Balls, John Callcutt, John Healey MP, Jon Rouse, Ken Livingstone, Margaret Ford, Peter Bill, Professor Anne Power, Rt. Hon. Keith Hill MP and Tony Pilch
By Ben Cashin, Colin Blakey, David Higgins, Dr John Bridge, Gideon Amos, Greg Clark, Jay Walder, John Healey MP, Paul Hackett and Ray Mills
By Andrew Halper, Colin Sparks, Crispin Tickell, Elisabeth Croll, Gerard Lyons, Hugo de Burgh, Isabel Hilton, James Kynge, Jude Howell, Linda Yueh, Peter Nolan and Steve Tsang
By Adrian Bell, Bob White, Denise Chevin, Dr Timothy Stone, Jack Pringle, James Stewart, John Cole, John Oughton, Jonathan Inman, Mike Adams, Pascal Minault, Paul Morrell, Peter Dixon, Peter Rogers, Simon Hipperson and Sir Stuart Lipton
By Calestous Juma, Daniel Sherrard, Dato’ Ir Yee-Cheong Lee, Dirk Willem te Velde, Gareth Thomas MP, Gobind Nankani, Jose Zaglul, Michael Pragnell, Mike Hughes, Robert Tripp, Romain Murenzi, Sir David King and Tony Ridley
By Alf Young, Charlie Woods, Dr Lewis Moonie MP, Lord Elder of Kirkcaldy, Margaret Curran MSP, Rt. Hon. Alistair Darling MP, Sir Fred Goodwin and Wendy Alexander MSP