Edited by Cathy Koester.
Published 2006(ISBN: 1 905370 12 1) Price £9.95
Britain’s creative industries are increasingly seen as a mainstream rather than marginal element of our economy. Design, advertising, music, film and TV, fashion, computer games and publishing produce a higher proportion of our total wealth than anywhere else in the world. UK firms register more trademarks and designs with the EU than any other country. It is clear therefore that our creative industries have a key role in supporting the UK’s future wealth. This collection of essays brings together the views of many leading figures within Britain’s creative industries to offer an important insight into this most dynamic sector of the British economy. The comments, viewpoints and essays collected here cut across a wide range of issues germane to the current success of creative industries. Taken together, they offer a practical account of how Government can better engage with creatives to ensure that this remarkable contribution continues into the future.