Edited by Denise Chevin.
Published 2005 (ISBN 1 902488 98 9) Price £9.95
As the government considers the next steps in its public service reform agenda, a key question is how to re-think the approach to PPPs and the relationship between procurement and the public interest. Although many recent reports have looked at PFI and PPPs, including those produced by the Audit Commission, National Audit Office and Sir Peter Gershon, very few have addressed the issue of how to make the public sector a better partner in the procurement of buildings and services. The essays in this collection give a useful account of those measures that can be taken by public agencies to ensure that contracts are drawn-up and carried through in a manner that delivers value for money, flexibility and foresight in service specification, high quality design, and which extract the full value of the expertise that the Private Sector partners bring to the table.