Edited by Tim Dwelly and Julie Cowans
Published 2006(ISBN 1 905370 05 9) Price £9.95
Trends in economic development, household formation and population movement have meant that, at the start of the 21st century, housing provision has become deeply polarised with many social tenants subject to systematic barriers that restrict geographical mobility and cultivate pockets of concentrated unemployment, social exclusion and multiple deprivation. The essays in this collection seek to address a wide range of issues that stem from the stigma and polarisation that has resulted from the ‘homes for life’ approach to social tenancy over the last few decades. How can investment be married with radical solutions to promote and embed mixed-tenancy communities? Can mobility, rights and responsibilities be fostered in the housing system, while continuing to offer security of tenure? How can these issues be tackled in a manner consistent with the Government’s commitment to equity?