Edited by Sir Andrew Foster
Published 2007 (ISBN: 1 905370 22 9) Price £9.95
Recently there has been an increased demand for social housing caused by demographic changes such as immigration, single households and an ageing population, but the supply of social housing has failed to keep pace as a result of policies such as the right to buy. Even those who may have been able to move out of social housing struggle to find affordable homes in areas where they can live and work. The housing market imbalances continue to put pressure on the existing housing stock. This situation has been made more problematic by fixed tenure and by the £14 billion-ayear housing benefit system. To ensure that everyone in Britain enjoys in its continuing prosperity, the way social housing functions needs to undergo changes in planning, tenure, regulation and finance. One big policy challenge in this sector is how to ensure an improvement in the quantity and quality of social housing without harming the livelihoods of those already in tenure.
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