Edited by Sir Terry Farrell.
Published 2009 (ISBN 1 905370 53 9) Price £9.95
The Thames Gateway is the largest and most significant growth and regeneration site in the UK. Although the pace of development has slowed since the credit crunch and the economic downturn hit, the Gateway remains a significant driver for sustainable growth and innovation in London and the Greater South East. Making the most of the Gateway will, moreover, continue to be a feature in the planning of the region for many years to come. The aim of this monograph is not to give a justification for the Gateway or to detail every project. Its purpose is to provide an overview and agenda for renewed interest in the initiative, through a collection of high-level perspectives on what the Gateway has to offer. We have brought together some of the country’s leading practitioners and thinkers in the fields of place making, regeneration and housing. Together their essays provide a valuable critique and insight into the future of the Gateway.