Edited by Amanda Jordan and Amy Lunt.
Published 2006 (ISBN 1 905370 11 3) Price £9.95
This collection of essays by key experts in the field offers new thinking about what constitutes ‘good CSR’. Focussing upon the range of ‘responsibilities’ that a company could and should have, from the environment and health, to community impacts and educational concerns, the authors seek to draw out how far a company should be responsible for their impacts across these areas, and offer accounts of how best these duties can be met. The contributors also look at the ways in which the environment in which companies operate – the regulatory and legal framework; and the investment structures – can be calibrated in a manner which encourages responsible activities. Overall the essays offer a consideration of how corporate responsibility can become better integrated and embedded into corporate practice, rather than being seen as a ‘nice thing to do’ or an ‘add on’.